Are YOU Born Again? is about answering that question with conviction, and a big YES! 

How Do I Become A Born Again Christian?
Pistis is the Greek word for “Faith”, a starting place kind of of Faith

Which condition applies to you? Those asking “How do I become a Born Again Born From Above Christian?” or “How do I know if I am?”, or those thinking they are Born Again but are actually just a “Professing Christian?” The answer to all three conditions share the same starting place. It starts with Faithing (Pistis) in Jesus.

"Believing is not the same as Faithing"
“Believing is not the same as Faithing”

The starting place is the essential quality that begins the real and actual “Born from Above, Born Again” experience and journey. Becoming spiritually Born Again From Above into the body of Christ is not the finish line, it’s the BANG! of the starting pistol in your marathon to becoming the disciple Jesus want’s you too be.

Where does this Pistis (starting kind of faith), come from? The Apostle Paul tells us in his letter to the Romans exactly where it comes from. Rom 10:17:

“So then Faith (pistis) Cometh by Hearing, and Hearing by the Word of God”

How do I become a born again born from above Christian?
What makes the Apostle Paul such an important voice?

The important implication of the original Greek is repeatedly hearing the word of God. Hearing again and again until you have that “AH HAH!” moment and conclusion that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior.

Now that we know where our beginning Faith starts, the next question is “Where do we hear the word of God spoken?” Again Paul’s letter here in Romans 10 tells us.:

“How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent?” Rom 10:14-15

We now see that we are to find, and listen to, a God Sent Preacher. Paul didn’t say  “Faith Cometh by reading your Bible“, “by participating in an alter call“, “by reading a little pamphlet and repeating the Sinner’s Prayer on the back.” or “by getting cornered by some Christian headhunter and told to perform their formula for salvation.”

Now for those of you who wonder if, or believe you are a Born Again Christian, think about those examples above and ask yourselves “How did I become a Christian?” Be honest with yourselves, the answer is important.

What does becoming a saved Born Again Born from Above Christian look like?

First of all, it’s not going through some super spiritual WHOOPEE FIT. It’s not recounting all your past sins (repentance). And it’s not confessing all your past sins in some snot nosed blubbering release. It comes down to simply changing your mind from unbelief (apistis) to belief (pistis). It comes at that “AH HAH!” moment when you are convinced by what you’re hearing to be true and the only answer, realizing you are a sinner that needs saving, and asking aloud for Jesus to enter in and take over your life.

Let’s go back to Paul’s letter for his answer: Romans 10:8-13 But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

That’s all there is to it folks. Repeated hearing, Conviction of the heart, Confession unto Jesus. SAVED!

The question I would be asking myself now is: “How do I find a God sent Preacher?”

Sadly, this is hard question to address. The disciples asked Jesus (in Matt 24), “How will we know when you will return?” In Jesus’ reply he noted “many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.”  Taking heed to his words, I’ll start by answering what not to look for in a God sent preacher.

  1. If they went to a Seminary or Bible college, chances are they don’t know what they’re talking about. They’ve been programmed with the Christian Science Fiction Doctrine aka CSFD.
  2. Do they represent one of the 50,000+ Christian denominations like Baptist, Catholic, Protestant, Mormon etc? They’re all cults. To harsh? Ask yourself this one question: “What denomination was Jesus or the disciples?”
  3. If they’re leading a “Mega Church” they’re likely man-pleasers, preaching prosperity doctrines making God your servant and what He must do for you.
  4. Are they a polished, celebrity seeking, talking pundit on Main Stream Media? It’s a safe bet they’re the Devil’s mouthpiece.
  5. If they deny that Hell and/or the Devil exist, RUN!
  6. Most importantly, if they can’t read and write Hebrew and Greek, it’s G-U-A-R-A-N-T-E-E-D they can’t understand or teach the Bible.

God sent preachers all have one thing in common – They’re all Uncommon!

The characteristics of God sent preachers are typical of all the heroes of faith we see throughout the Bible. They didn’t ask for it, didn’t want it, and they never expected it. Rest assured a God sent preacher doesn’t decide to be one. They (God sent preachers), find themselves in circumstances that make them one.

Let Me introduce you to Pastor Joseph Cortes: CLICK HERE –> “The Reluctant Preacher”

Joseph Cortes, reluctant preacher, reluctant astronaut, JesusMAGA, Jesus MAGA
Click Now for your introduction to Pastor Joseph Cortes!

By way of recommendation, I only know of one such voice (I’m sure there must be others), teaching God’s word taught straight. His name is Joseph A. Cortes of “Faith Cometh By Hearing” ministries. You can find his website at

The Pastor has a live broadcast twice a week. Currently you can see his broadcasts on Monday and Thursday nights at 5pm PST. You can see it on his website, on his Facebook page or on ROKU.  Tune in!

Closing Advice On Becoming A Born Again From Above Christian.

For those thinking about becoming a Born Again From Above Christian, or not sure if you are one, the starting place is Hearing The Word Of God. On you’ll find the pastors video archives, written sermons, free e-books and other learning tools in the “Teaching Center”

I have also posted several hundred videos on my YouTube channel. The links in the menu will take you to the associated series. I highly recommend watching each series in the order I’ve placed them starting with the:

“Change of Mind” series to understand the Salvation message.

“Discipleship” series to understand what a truly Born Again From Above Christian should be doing with their New Life.
“Eternal Rewards” series to understand with your new life comes the opportunity to lay up eternal rewards for your eternal life.
“The Last Days” series to understand the times in which we live in, and what to be looking for as we approach the 2nd Coming of Jesus.

If you would like to contact me, I’d love to hear from you if this website is helpful in any way. You can email me at

God Bless you, and your journey of Faithing in Jesus!



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